News - 2000
2000 news stories (newspapers and newsmagazines) about the OTS, sorted by outlet.
- Ro., I. (20 March 2000). "Un juge trop bavard?" [A judge who talks too much?]. 24 heures (in Swiss French). No. 52. Lausanne. p. 10. ISSN 1661-2256 – via Scriptorium.
- "Other cult-related mass killings". Associated Press. 31 March 2000 – via University of Illinois.
- SOG (4 March 2000). "En bref" [In brief]. L'Express (in Swiss French). No. 53. Neuchâtel. p. 28. ISSN – via
- Bédat, Arnaud (19 July 2000). "Michel Tabachnik bientôt jugé: L'heure de vérité" [Michel Tabachnik on trial: The moment of truth]. L'Illustré (in Swiss French). pp. 18–21 – via Scriptorium.
- "Les mensonges de Michel Tabachnik" [Michel Tabachnik's lies]. L'Illustré (in Swiss French). 19 July 2000. p. 21 – via Scriptorium.
- "French Urge Nations to Stop Sects’ Growth". Los Angeles Times. Religion News Service. 12 February 2000.*M*
- Dahlburg, John-Thor (29 February 2002). "Report Urges Dissolution of Scientology Church in France". Los Angeles Times. *M*
- "235 Cultists Perish in Uganda Fire". Los Angeles Times. 19 March 2000. *M*
- Murphy, Dean E. (31 March 2000). "Tracking Multitude of Sects Impossible Task in Uganda". Los Angeles Times. *M*
- Juillerat, Roger (3 March 2000). "Me Barillon défend le juge Fontaine" [Barillon defends Judge Fontaine]. Le Matin (in Swiss French). No. 63. Lausanne. p. 2. ISSN 1018-3736 – via Scriptorium.
- Habel, Robert (15 March 2000). "OTS: le livre qui fait des vagues" [OTS: the book that's making waves]. Le Matin (in Swiss French). No. 75. Lausanne. p. 5. ISSN 1018-3736 – via Scriptorium.
- "SECTE : Me Francis Szpiner demande le dessaisissement du juge d'instruction Luc Fontaine" [CULT: Francis Szpiner asks examining magistrate Luc Fontaine to relinquish jurisdiction]. Le Monde (in French). Paris. 2 March 2000. ISSN 0395-2037.
- Au coeur d'une secte [At the heart of a cult]. Le Monde (in French). Year 56, no. 17281. 17 August 2000. Paris. p. 1. ISSN 0395-2037. (alt link)
- Pereira, Acacio (17 August 2000). L'OTS, une secte qui avait fait de la mort « le coeur de sa doctrine » [The OTS, a cult that made death "the heart of its doctrine"]. Le Monde (in French). Year 56, no. 17281. Paris. p. 6. ISSN 0395-2037. (alt link)
- Lompech, Alain (17 August 2000). Un chef d’orchestre et un compositeur reconnu [A renowned conductor and composer]. Le Monde (in French). Year 56, no. 17281. Paris. p. 6. ISSN 0395-2037. (alt link)
- Pereira, Acacio (17 August 2000). Selon le juge, Michel Tabachnik ne pouvait ignorer ce qui se préparait [According to the judge, Michel Tabachnik could not have been unaware of what was afoot]. Le Monde (in French). Year 56, no. 17281. Paris. p. 6. ISSN 0395-2037 – via Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
- « Di Mambro nous a expliqué qu’il faudrait probablement abandonner "nos corps trop lourds" » ["Di Mambro explained that we'd probably have to give up "our heavy bodies""]. Le Monde (in French). Year 56, no. 17281. 17 August 2000. Paris. p. 6. ISSN 0395-2037. (alt link)
- Pereira, Acacio (17 August 2000). Une « multinationale » financière qui devait beaucoup à ses mécènes [A financial "multinational" that owed much to its patrons]. Le Monde (in French). Year 56, no. 17281. Paris. p. 7. SSN 0395-2037. (alt link)
- Pereira, Acacio (17 August 2000). Les millions africains d’un proche de Jo Di Mambro [Jo Di Mambro's African millions]. Le Monde (in French). Year 56, no. 17281. Paris. p. 7. SSN 0395-2037. (alt link)
- Pereira, Acacio (17 August 2000). Des structures templières au service d'un enseignement initiatique [Templar structures for initiatory teaching]. Le Monde (in French). Year 56, no. 17281. Paris. p. 7. SSN 0395-2037. (alt link)
- Albouy, Stéphane (13 July 2000). ""« On fait un procès en sorcellerie » Me FRANCIS SZPINER, avocat de Michel Tabachnik" ["We are having a witchcraft trial" FRANCIS SZPINER, lawyer of Michel Tabachnik]. Le Parisien (in French). ISSN 0767-3558.
- Ruchon, Jean-Louis (14 July 2000). "Ordre du Temple solaire : le chef d'orchestre en correctionnelle" [Order of the Solar Temple: orchestra conductor faces criminal charges]. Le Parisien (in French). ISSN 0767-3558.
- Robitaill, Louis-Bernard (4 March 2000). "L'Ordre du Temple solaire: une enquête bâclée" [The Order of the Solar Temple: a botched investigation]. La Presse (in Canadian French). Montreal. pp. A1–A2. ISSN 0317-9249 – via BAnQ numérique.
- "Les mystères de l'Ordre du Temple Solaire" [The mysteries of the Order of the Solar Temple]. France Inter (in French). radiofrance. 23 January 2000.
- Giguère, Monique (20 May 2000). "Les secrets d'une manipulation: Di Mambro et Jouret auraient eu des leaders de l'ombre" [Les secrets d'une manipulation: Di Mambro and Jouret would have had leaders in the shadows]. Le Soleil (in Canadian French). Quebec City. p. A21. ISSN 0319-0730 – via BAnQ numérique.
- Probert, Roy (13 August 2000). "Geneva to host first public information centre on cults". SWI swissinfo.
- Briel, Patricia (24 February 2000). "Des «maîtres de l'ombre» derrière le drame de l'OTS? Un livre tente de remonter la piste" [Dark "masters" behind the OTS tragedy? A book attempts to trace the trail]. Le Temps (in Swiss French). Geneva. ISSN 1423-3967.
- Salvadé, Christine (19 March 2000). "Pour rapprocher leurs universités, les députés vaudois et genevois commencent par s'écharper" [To bring their universities closer together, the Vaud and Geneva MPs start by picking fights]. Le Temps (in Swiss French). Geneva. ISSN 1423-3967.*M*
- Gross, François (7 July 2000). "La chronique de François Gross" [François Gross' column]. Le Temps (in Swiss French). Geneva. ISSN 1423-3967.*M*
- Gerdil-Margueron, Yann (16 September 2000). "Sera-t-il «Tell.» que les hommes s'y retrouveront?" [Will it be "Tell." that men will find their way around?]. Le Temps (in Swiss French). Geneva. ISSN 1423-3967.*M*
- Poncet, Charles (3 November 2000). "Pour une liberté des sectes" [For a freedom from cults]. Le Temps (in Swiss French). Geneva. ISSN 1423-3967.
- Ramseyer, Gérard (3 November 2000). "Et les enfants morts du Temple Solaire?" [And the dead children of the Solar Temple?]. Le Temps (in Swiss French). Geneva. ISSN 1423-3967.
- "France aims at banning 'dangerous' sects". UPI. 23 June 2000.
24 heures
Associated Press
Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Los Angeles Times
Le Matin
Le Monde
Le Parisien
La Presse
Montreal, Quebec, Canada